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A Year to SOAR!

Bringing yourself to every

daily encounter!

February 16, 2023

We are off to a great start for a New Year and ready to engage with the world around us. Today I shared in an experience of someone sharing our first meeting and it left me with an amazing sense of pride and confidence on who I am and how I show up. The meeting was just in passing, and left the person thankful they had met me. They shared that I had such energy and presence as I greeted my colleague and it left them wanting to know more about me. In that passing moment, they experienced three decades of lived experience as a co-contributor to teaching, coaching and learning in community with others. In community, I learned to contribute to the spaces I'm in, listen more than I talk, respect each individual for who they are and what they bring, and to create a table for others to join. I know rarely do we give ourselves credit for the work we do or how we are consistently present in shared space and time. This confidence was exuded because it is accompanied by daily work efforts that undergird how I influence others.

Being a kingdom driven entreprenur provides a standard for how we do business. I am grateful for Kingdom leaders who led by example, and taught along the way. If you're a leader, and no one is actually following then it's just a walk instead of a journey. The valuable lessons first started in my home with my parents, extended to my church which provided lessons and opportunities, and continued with each encounter that I embraced along my journey of life. Too many to name on the journey, so I'll just say thank you to all of my teachers. As a student, I gained understanding in both what I was taught, understood and experienced.

Today, I live with intention. Inviting God into my plans, and executing the plans by writing them down (goal setting) and creating a schedule for the day. At the beginning of the year, I choose a word for the year using Ali Edwards One Little Word process. This year my word is SOAR! The focus of the word SOAR is on the momentum it takes to carry something or someone forward. The height it takes to propel the wind under the wings creates that motion and causes things to soar forward.

On a recent trip to my university winter session at Fielding Graduate University, I enjoyed morning walks on the beach watching the ocean and the birds each morning. I noticed when the birds ascended they were focused on being there high amongst the cloud and shifted as the wind carried them forward. They stayed high looking from that perspective and then descended to partake of food or to engage other birds on the land. They came down for that purpose only, and pursued it, then relaunched to soar high again.

It had me thinking about my own journey, which is guided by my direct connection to God , who orders my life. Those that journey with me can maintain the same altitude of the climb I'm on. They know when to self-nurture and feed their souls and their bellies. They know that relationships matter, and take time to engage with others. They understand that life is meant to be lived, and they do.

Today's reminder is that as we busy ourselves about many things, be sure you're aligned with the purpose God has for you, stay the path, and be kind to others. We only have one opportunity, so use it wisely and consider the lessons from the birds.

With love and service,

Kelly Ramsey

CEO of Developing People